Does anybody hear her?

Sometimes this humble little blog effort touches me deep in my soul. It is an odd phenomenon that you can feel the pain of strangers by reading their words and feedback. I have been writing about a topic that God has been working on in my life for many years.  Forgiveness. I still have a long way to go. But I have seen the debilitating effects on individuals, families, and churches when there is no forgiveness.

During my series on God’s Weight Loss Plan I received this heartbreaking message from a very honest reader who called herself “sinner”. Here is that post.

I doubt I will ever be able to forgive the pastor who hurt my family. We lost so much, so many opportunities were taken from my children, precious years are gone forever. I asked for help and got used instead and all these years later we are still dealing with the consequences of that pastor’s negligence and lies. Our own pastor made everything so confusing and difficult for so many years. My children, my children…they lost so much. I do not disagree with you or argue with anything you say. I am just trying now to help my children recover and I am doing it with no one helping me.

Here is the final line that really bothered me.

That pastor has all kinds of support but we have none.

How sad. But I know that is too often the case.  I immediately thought of a song by Casting Crowns (I should be on their PR payroll). Here are some lyrics from the song Does Anybody Hear Her?

Does anybody hear her? Can anybody see?
Or does anybody even knows she’s going down today
Under the shadow of our steeple
With all the lost and lonely people
Searching for the hope that’s tucked away in you and me
Does anybody hear her? Can anybody see?

I was heartened when reader Sharon responded.

To “Sinner”
I don’t know anything about you, but I can tell you you have my support. Your response breaks my heart. I will pray for you and your family.

Sometimes the most simple expressions seem to help…

Sharon,  Thank you for your prayers, especially for my children who have lost the most. I am hoping that in time I will not even think about it anymore.

I am grateful that Sharon, your humble blogger, and I am sure many others did hear you and we are praying that God will heal this wound. You are accountable only for you. Forgiving will release you from the burden. That pastor will face the consequences of any wrong actions even if it appears he is not facing them now. So trust God for the ability to forgive and know that it can happen. I look forward to the day that we can celebrate that victory.