Let me begin with complete transparency. I am saddened, frustrated, and disappointed with the anger and division in our society. Focusing on those divisive issues leads to anger, fear, and hopelessness.
So how can I be optimistic amidst this societal chaos? When I am feeling down I often go to my spiritual comfort music. I flipped from more depressing news to a list of classic Gospel songs. The first tune to cue up gave me my answer.
I am and will continue to be optimistic in this journey because of this belief conveyed beautifully in these lyrics sung by Nicole C. Mullen.
Because He lives,
I can face tomorrow.
That’s it! Because I believe Jesus lives I can face tomorrow. The next lyric should be true if I truly believe Jesus lives.
Because He lives,
All fear is gone.
I am not saying that the enemy does not try to generate fear in my heart and I am not perfect in rejecting those fear attacks. But I am learning to remember that God is in control. I remind myself daily that He loves me as His child. He sent His Son to die on a Cross while bearing my sins past, present, and future. Jesus rose from the grave and conquered death. I believe that. And that belief leads to this verse.
Because I know
He holds the future
And life is worth the living
Just because He lives.
I now try to view every negative event through that lens of hope.
God holds the future. My life for Him is worth the living no matter what trials I will endure. Jesus was pretty clear that our journey with Him would be challenging.
“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation…”
Jesus didn’t say we might have some problems now and then. He honestly said you will have trials and tribulation. Why are we so surprised when that happens? The enemy definitely tries to distract us from the rest of His promise.
“But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33, NLT)
Read the words of Jesus carefully. I have overcome the world. It will be okay. At times the journey will be rough, but I believe with all of my heart that my faith will be rewarded in eternity with Christ.
So that is my grace challenge for this week.
Because He lives you can face tomorrow without fear. I have written many times that Satan wants us to live in regret of the past or fear of the future. Either strategy robs us of the joy of today. For followers of Jesus the past is forgiven. The future is in His hands. Believing that allows us to live in this moment with gratitude, peace, and joy.
One other thing that gives me optimism in this fallen world. I used to believe that my sin caused Jesus to leave my side until I repented and returned to His presence. Now I know He never leaves me in those moments. Through the presence of the Holy Spirit, I have the constant presence of God in my journey. I don’t have to do anything except remember my need for forgiveness, grace, and love and turn to His constant presence. He is there always. Ready to encourage, love, and direct my path.
And life is worth the living just because He lives.
How Can I Stay Optimistic in an Increasingly Pessimistic World?
Dave BurchettLet me begin with complete transparency. I am saddened, frustrated, and disappointed with the anger and division in our society. Focusing on those divisive issues leads to anger, fear, and hopelessness.
So how can I be optimistic amidst this societal chaos? When I am feeling down I often go to my spiritual comfort music. I flipped from more depressing news to a list of classic Gospel songs. The first tune to cue up gave me my answer.
I am and will continue to be optimistic in this journey because of this belief conveyed beautifully in these lyrics sung by Nicole C. Mullen.
Because He lives,
I can face tomorrow.
That’s it! Because I believe Jesus lives I can face tomorrow. The next lyric should be true if I truly believe Jesus lives.
Because He lives,
All fear is gone.
I am not saying that the enemy does not try to generate fear in my heart and I am not perfect in rejecting those fear attacks. But I am learning to remember that God is in control. I remind myself daily that He loves me as His child. He sent His Son to die on a Cross while bearing my sins past, present, and future. Jesus rose from the grave and conquered death. I believe that. And that belief leads to this verse.
Because I know
He holds the future
And life is worth the living
Just because He lives.
I now try to view every negative event through that lens of hope.
God holds the future. My life for Him is worth the living no matter what trials I will endure. Jesus was pretty clear that our journey with Him would be challenging.
“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation…”
Jesus didn’t say we might have some problems now and then. He honestly said you will have trials and tribulation. Why are we so surprised when that happens? The enemy definitely tries to distract us from the rest of His promise.
“But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33, NLT)
Read the words of Jesus carefully. I have overcome the world. It will be okay. At times the journey will be rough, but I believe with all of my heart that my faith will be rewarded in eternity with Christ.
So that is my grace challenge for this week.
Because He lives you can face tomorrow without fear. I have written many times that Satan wants us to live in regret of the past or fear of the future. Either strategy robs us of the joy of today. For followers of Jesus the past is forgiven. The future is in His hands. Believing that allows us to live in this moment with gratitude, peace, and joy.
One other thing that gives me optimism in this fallen world. I used to believe that my sin caused Jesus to leave my side until I repented and returned to His presence. Now I know He never leaves me in those moments. Through the presence of the Holy Spirit, I have the constant presence of God in my journey. I don’t have to do anything except remember my need for forgiveness, grace, and love and turn to His constant presence. He is there always. Ready to encourage, love, and direct my path.
And life is worth the living just because He lives.
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