I am offering these humble ramblings before the 2024 Election Day. I care deeply about my country. I have deep convictions about many political issues. I have friends and family on both sides of the aisle desperately wanting victory. I have friends and family suffering anxiety that the world will collapse if their side loses. I used to suffer that anxiety and desperate desire to win. Something has completely changed in my heart. May I share 5 reasons why I have experienced that change of heart?
God is Sovereign
Our Western culture demands answers. We feel the need and even the right to understand why something happens. Is God totally sovereign or do I have free will? Logic says one or the other must be true. God says both are true. We can’t fathom that so we pick a side. As I have slowly grown in my faith I have come to fully embrace the many attributes of God and that His plan is perfect and will ultimately prevail. Paul writes an interesting and challenging statement to the people living in a deeply political state in Rome.
“Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God.” (Romans 13:1, NLT)
What? This leader I struggle to accept was placed there by God? When you read through the Old Testament history of leaders you see how this happens. God desired to lead His people through His chosen leaders. The people’s sinful desire to control things instead demanded kings. So that disobedient cry was granted and you read that the results were usually bad. When His people recognized their need for God and turned to Him the results changed to good. Are we repeating this sad cycle? What I believe is that God’s plan will happen. How we get there is yet to be determined. The story of Joseph and the his hateful brothers shows how an all-powerful God can control all things to change the outcome of disobedience.
20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people. (Genesis 50:20, NLT)
God will control all the pieces to make it turn out for good. To paraphrase the old Gospel song I peeked at the back of the book and I am confident it will end in glorious victory.
2. My Hope is in Jesus
I can’t explain why bad things happen. Sometimes it is sin. Sometimes it is simply life. I have learned in my years of following Jesus that He does not let suffering go in vain. I have seen over and over how God redeems sadness and tragedy. He does bring beauty out of ashes. When I cannot see how any good can come out of a trial I trust my Abba Father in faith. Believe me I don’t always “feel” that but I can move forward in faith. God has never let me down. And I believe He never will.
Peter talked about the inevitability of suffering in this life.
“Dear friends, don’t be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you. Instead, be very glad—for these trials make you partners with Christ in his suffering, so that you will have the wonderful joy of seeing his glory when it is revealed to all the world.” (1 Peter 4, NLT)
We think we can fix things with the right tools. Only Jesus can heal the suffering we all will endure at some point in our journey. Jesus meets you there and not just in theory. He suffered. He agonized with God the Father. He knows the human condition. He has already been where you are. Peter did not end his writing on suffering with the buzz kill of Chapter 4. He wrapped it in a bow of incredible hope in the next chapter.
“In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, He will restore, support, and strengthen you, and He will place you on a firm foundation.” (1 Peter 5, NLT)
My hope is in Jesus to place me on a firm foundation no matter what the world looks like around me.
3. No Matter What Happens in the Future Jesus Will Be With Me
I remind myself daily that God loves me as His child. He sent His Son to die on a Cross while bearing my sins past, present, and future. Jesus rose from the grave and conquered death. I believe that.
I try to view every negative event through that lens of hope. God holds the future. My life for Him is worth the living no matter what trials I will endure. Jesus was pretty clear that our journey with Him would be challenging.
“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation…”
Jesus didn’t say we might have some problems now and then. He honestly said you will have trials and tribulation. Why are we so surprised when that happens? The enemy definitely tries to distract us from the rest of His promise.
“But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33, NLT)
Read the words of Jesus carefully. I have overcome the world. It will be okay. At times the journey will be rough, but I believe with all of my heart that my faith in Him will lead me through the dark valleys.
4. My Eternal Home is Guaranteed
Trust God and trust who He says you are because of the finished work of Jesus. Believe you are forgiven of all sins past, present, and future. Wholly accept that you are a brand new creation and live in grateful freedom. Drink in the inexhaustible grace of God every day. Allow God to love you as His beloved and then pay that love forward for His glory. Look through the lens of grace and you will find sacred moments in every single day. Recognize that everything about your walk with Jesus is a gift of grace. It is all about the finished work of Jesus on the Cross. At the moment you believe that Jesus is the way to salvation you are gifted with the most incredible gift. Eternal life.
24 “I tell you the truth, those who listen to my message and believe in God who sent me have eternal life. They will never be condemned for their sins, but they have already passed from death into life. (John 5:24, NLT)
That incredible gift of grace helps me navigate the negativity of this world.
5. I Know I Will Be Okay Because of God’s Redeeming Grace and Love
I faced a crossroads many years ago. Would I follow Jesus or go my own way? My way was not going particularly well. While I was still dirty and clothed in filthy garments of sin, I was forgiven, accepted, justified, and wrapped in the robe of righteousness. I was no longer condemned. Satan would have me forget that the robe of righteousness is wrapped lovingly around me. The author of lies attempts to remind me (constantly) that I still wear dirty clothing. He suggests that I don’t deserve to wear the robe until I clean myself up. That is the power of His gift of grace . The robe of righteousness is never earned. It is a gift of grace. Even on my worst day the Father wraps me up in this precious garment because of His Son, Jesus.
How differently I would live if I remembered that truth every day. I am a saint. I am wrapped in the robe of righteousness. I am a new creature who is forgiven, accepted, and cloaked in this incomprehensible gift of grace. Even in my failure Jesus loves me anyway and just as much. No matter what happens I will be okay. His grace is sufficient. Right Paul?
9 Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. (2 Corinthians 12:9, NLT)
Paul begged three times to have his difficulty removed. What he really need was the grace and love of God. I feel confident His grace will be sufficient in the days ahead.
I am focusing on those truths this week and for the rest of my journey.
Sharing A Bipartisan Devotional with Guaranteed Good News
Dave BurchettI am offering these humble ramblings before the 2024 Election Day. I care deeply about my country. I have deep convictions about many political issues. I have friends and family on both sides of the aisle desperately wanting victory. I have friends and family suffering anxiety that the world will collapse if their side loses. I used to suffer that anxiety and desperate desire to win. Something has completely changed in my heart. May I share 5 reasons why I have experienced that change of heart?
Our Western culture demands answers. We feel the need and even the right to understand why something happens. Is God totally sovereign or do I have free will? Logic says one or the other must be true. God says both are true. We can’t fathom that so we pick a side. As I have slowly grown in my faith I have come to fully embrace the many attributes of God and that His plan is perfect and will ultimately prevail. Paul writes an interesting and challenging statement to the people living in a deeply political state in Rome.
“Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God.” (Romans 13:1, NLT)
What? This leader I struggle to accept was placed there by God? When you read through the Old Testament history of leaders you see how this happens. God desired to lead His people through His chosen leaders. The people’s sinful desire to control things instead demanded kings. So that disobedient cry was granted and you read that the results were usually bad. When His people recognized their need for God and turned to Him the results changed to good. Are we repeating this sad cycle? What I believe is that God’s plan will happen. How we get there is yet to be determined. The story of Joseph and the his hateful brothers shows how an all-powerful God can control all things to change the outcome of disobedience.
20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people. (Genesis 50:20, NLT)
God will control all the pieces to make it turn out for good. To paraphrase the old Gospel song I peeked at the back of the book and I am confident it will end in glorious victory.
2. My Hope is in Jesus
I can’t explain why bad things happen. Sometimes it is sin. Sometimes it is simply life. I have learned in my years of following Jesus that He does not let suffering go in vain. I have seen over and over how God redeems sadness and tragedy. He does bring beauty out of ashes. When I cannot see how any good can come out of a trial I trust my Abba Father in faith. Believe me I don’t always “feel” that but I can move forward in faith. God has never let me down. And I believe He never will.
Peter talked about the inevitability of suffering in this life.
3. No Matter What Happens in the Future Jesus Will Be With Me
I remind myself daily that God loves me as His child. He sent His Son to die on a Cross while bearing my sins past, present, and future. Jesus rose from the grave and conquered death. I believe that.
I try to view every negative event through that lens of hope. God holds the future. My life for Him is worth the living no matter what trials I will endure. Jesus was pretty clear that our journey with Him would be challenging.
“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation…”
Jesus didn’t say we might have some problems now and then. He honestly said you will have trials and tribulation. Why are we so surprised when that happens? The enemy definitely tries to distract us from the rest of His promise.
“But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33, NLT)
Read the words of Jesus carefully. I have overcome the world. It will be okay. At times the journey will be rough, but I believe with all of my heart that my faith in Him will lead me through the dark valleys.
4. My Eternal Home is Guaranteed
Trust God and trust who He says you are because of the finished work of Jesus. Believe you are forgiven of all sins past, present, and future. Wholly accept that you are a brand new creation and live in grateful freedom. Drink in the inexhaustible grace of God every day. Allow God to love you as His beloved and then pay that love forward for His glory. Look through the lens of grace and you will find sacred moments in every single day. Recognize that everything about your walk with Jesus is a gift of grace. It is all about the finished work of Jesus on the Cross. At the moment you believe that Jesus is the way to salvation you are gifted with the most incredible gift. Eternal life.
24 “I tell you the truth, those who listen to my message and believe in God who sent me have eternal life. They will never be condemned for their sins, but they have already passed from death into life. (John 5:24, NLT)
That incredible gift of grace helps me navigate the negativity of this world.
5. I Know I Will Be Okay Because of God’s Redeeming Grace and Love
I faced a crossroads many years ago. Would I follow Jesus or go my own way? My way was not going particularly well. While I was still dirty and clothed in filthy garments of sin, I was forgiven, accepted, justified, and wrapped in the robe of righteousness. I was no longer condemned. Satan would have me forget that the robe of righteousness is wrapped lovingly around me. The author of lies attempts to remind me (constantly) that I still wear dirty clothing. He suggests that I don’t deserve to wear the robe until I clean myself up. That is the power of His gift of grace . The robe of righteousness is never earned. It is a gift of grace. Even on my worst day the Father wraps me up in this precious garment because of His Son, Jesus.
How differently I would live if I remembered that truth every day. I am a saint. I am wrapped in the robe of righteousness. I am a new creature who is forgiven, accepted, and cloaked in this incomprehensible gift of grace. Even in my failure Jesus loves me anyway and just as much. No matter what happens I will be okay. His grace is sufficient. Right Paul?
9 Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. (2 Corinthians 12:9, NLT)
Paul begged three times to have his difficulty removed. What he really need was the grace and love of God. I feel confident His grace will be sufficient in the days ahead.
I am focusing on those truths this week and for the rest of my journey.
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