Monday Musing – Do I Really Think I am a Bad Christian?

I am often blessed by really kind comments from you about my books or blogs. I truly appreciate the encouragement. But what I remind myself everyday is this simple truth.

I would be impressed with me except for one thing. I know me.

I know how often I am selfish. I know how often I judge. I know how often I have a bad attitude. The list goes on and on.

I got a lot of feedback and some not so complimentary when my book “When Bad Christians Happen to Good People” hit the scene. Some where offended that I could suggest there are “bad Christians”.

My answer probably didn’t help much. Bad Christians are all God has to work with. To be sure some are more productive than others. Some clean up better and some have whiter teeth. But when we measure our performance against God’s perfect law we are devastated. All of us fall short (from inches to light years) of the glory of God. Even our best intentions need to redeemed by the blood of Christ.

But that is where the Good News of the Gospel rides to the rescue. I came across this from Pastor Tullian Tchvidjian.

Longing for hope in a world of hype, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the news we have been waiting for all our lives. Jesus came to liberate us from the weight of having to make it on our own, from the demand to measure up. He came to emancipate us from the burden to get it all right, from the obligation to fix ourselves, find ourselves, and free ourselves. Jesus came to release us from the slavish need to be right, rewarded, regarded, and respected. Because Jesus came to set the captives free, life does not have to be a tireless effort to establish ourselves, justify ourselves, and validate ourselves.

Once this good news grips your heart, it changes everything. It frees you from having to be perfect. It frees you from having to hold it all together. In the place of exhaustion, you might even find energy. No, the Gospel of grace is not too good to be true. It is true! It’s the truest truth in the entire universe. God loves us independently of what we may or may not bring to the table. There are no strings attached! No ifs, ands, or buts. No qualifiers or conditions. No need for balance. Grace is the most dangerous, expectation-wrecking, smile-creating, counterintuitive reality there is.

My performance often makes me a “bad Christian” but my Jesus makes me something else. Redeemed. Loved. A saint. A child of God. Friend of Jesus. Free. Holy.

Every moment that I lean fully on those truths I am fully released, armed and dangerous for Jesus. In those moments when it is not about me I can truly be effective for Christ. The pressure is off. I am righteous because Jesus wraps a robe of righteousness around my filthy rags of self-righteousness.  How can I meditate on such amazing love and not want to worship, serve and live for such a Savior?

My friend Mike sent me a little reminder today via message.

Truth. And I am so grateful for that truth as I head into another week.