How Does God See Me?

Philip Yancey wrote this insightful paragraph in his book “What’s So Amazing about Grace?”.

“Sociologists have a theory of the looking-glass self: you become what the most important person in your life (wife, father, boss, etc.) thinks you are. How would my life change if I truly believed the Bible’s astounding words about God’s love for me, if I looked in the mirror and saw what God sees?”

Indeed. One of my biggest struggles has been trusting that what God says is true about me is actually true. That is not a very flattering admission on my part. I have read this verse from Paul’s second letter to the church at Corinth dozens of times:

“This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Because of Christ I have a new identity. I am righteous because of Him and not because of trying to do more right “stuff.” I am a saint and there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. It is a liberating and joyous message. But there is a problem. Satan hates that message of hope and change. The Enemy does not want me to comprehend how God sees me. He knows that putting my full confidence in the love and acceptance of our Father in Heaven would unleash a power to love and forgive that would change everything. So Satan goes about trying to “steal’ my identity in Christ. I spend money and time and put lots of effort into protecting my financial and personal identity and certainly that is important. But I would suggest that my spiritual identity is far more important and I am afraid I make it all too easy for the enemy to steal it away from me.

Satan constantly reminds me of who I used to be. After each failure I gaze into the looking glass and see the old self and the writing scrawled across my image.

I will never change.
I always do that.
I can’t believe I did that again.
What is wrong with me?
How could God love me?

All of  the accusations that Satan hurls my way are no longer true about me (or you as a follower of Jesus). God says that all of the guilt and shame and sin that used to define me are buried and forgotten. That old life is gone. I am a new creation. New life has begun. God does not see a stumbling mess falling short time and again. He sees a saint. Redeemed and wrapped in the robes of righteousness entirely because of the finished work of Christ. He sees His adopted and beloved child.

The key to seeing what God sees in me is constantly (and I do mean constantly) reminding myself what is now true about me.

That I am adopted. Redeemed. Sealed. Loved. A saint. Righteous. Accepted. Forgiven. A new creation.

Or how about this amazing promise?

For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:26, NLT)

I am a child of the living God!

So put a note on the mirror reminding yourself who you are. Stick a sign on the door to remember as you leave the house. Set an alarm to remind you to review what Jesus has done for you. No matter what difficulty or trial you might encounter this week I pray that you will remember who you are. A saint. Adopted. Redeemed. Sealed. Live out of those amazing truths. How would my life (and your life) change if we saw ourselves as God sees us? I would love to find out and it starts with believing what God sees when He looks at you.


My latest book, Waking Up Slowly, can be used as a 21 Day Journey to become more connected with God, one another and yourself.

Waking Up Slowly_Cover

No resolutions…just grace suggestions based on God’s Word. Would you join me on that journey in 2018? Click here to check it out.