Sarah Palin had a lot of lines that brought huge applause in her speech to the RNC. One of my favorite moments did not make a lot of the post speech highlights on the news. Her remarks about Trig and about advocacy for special needs children touched my heart. My wife devotes her career to helping special needs kids. And Palin’s remarks reminded me of an earlier post written in response to an email from our youngest son. Brett had a big sister that he never knew. Katie was born with a terminal birth defect and died when Brett was just a baby. Yet he is aware of the amazing impact of Katie’s short life. She would have been twenty-three in March. Her story is detailed in When Bad Christians Happen to Good People . Here is Brett’s note. P.S. Katie’s life affected a lot of people tonight when I shared her story after a guy was struggling with seeing God’s purpose for everything. It also made me realize
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There is a little saying that I have heard all of my life. If you can’t say something nice about someone…then don’t say anything. Had I practiced that very wise advice I would have had many more “quiet times” in my life. I have not always practiced that simple principle even though I have read and nodded solemnly in agreement as I read James and Paul warn of the dangers of gossip and an uncontrolled tongue. Whether you call it venting or sharing it is always perilously close to gossiping. That is one of those “fine line” challenges. Like Dave Barry’s quote that “there’s a fine line between ‘hobby’ and ‘mental illness’.” I would submit that there is a fine line between venting/sharing and gossip. Gossip is one of the favorite tools that Satan has in his toolbox. Brooklyn Tabernacle takes gossip very seriously. New members hear this charge as they become members of the church. And now, I charge you, as pastor of
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Recently I opted to watch the in-flight movie to help pass the time. The movie being offered was called The Bucket List and it featured two of my favorite actors, Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson. The storyline is that two men of very different financial stratas are both dying within months. The create a “bucket list” of things that they decide to cross off as a team. Things they wanted to accomplish before they “kick the bucket”. One of those things was to visit the Pyramids and that scene was of particular interest. Morgan Freeman’s character Carter tells Jack Nicholson’s character Edward about a belief of the Egyptian people. “You know, the ancient Egyptians had a beautiful belief about death. When their souls got to the entrance to heaven, the guards asked two questions. Their answers determined whether they were able to enter or not. ‘Have you found joy in your life?’ ‘Has your life brought joy to others?’” I don’t know enough about the beliefs
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I have have been blessed to hear that occasionally the humble ramblings help one of my readers as they journey with Jesus. My mission for this blog is clear. Helping tens of readers feel superior in their Christian walk for over forty months. It is a burden that I am willing to carry. But I recognize that you are always looking for authentic Christian writers who get it. May I suggest that you check out a weekly offering from my friend Ed Underwood. I wrote an earlier article about Ed, his journey through the trial of cancer and his ministry to Joni as she faced cancer. His weekly musings are called the Tipping Point. Here is an excerpt from Ed’s most recent offering. Why is it that we’re so careful when we read the Bible’s instruction on marriage, family, morality, culture, creation, and church but so sloppy when we interpret Jesus’ lessons on money. We explain away His hard sayings with complicated interpretations and excuse our
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A Peanuts comic strip features Charlie Brown’s sister Sally struggling to spread frozen butter on her toast. Finally she exclaims, “Nobody told me life was going to be this hard!” I can understand Sally’s frustration. Life is hard. Sometimes even more difficult than frozen butter. Things happen that were not in the brochure. Or at least that is what I once believed. In fact that very information is in the brochure. The Bible is very clear that life will be a journey of struggling to spread frozen butter and worse (that is a paraphrase). Much worse. The “frozen butter times” are part of the journey. God has given us a wonderful gift that we too often leave unwrapped. Even if we have unwrapped this gift we too often leave it unused. The gift is laughter. The following excerpt is from my sporadically selling book “Bring’em Back Alive – A Healing Plan for those Wounded by the Church.” I believe a sense of humor is one of God’s gifts to help get
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I remember hearing the late entertainer Merv Griffin joke that he was going to put these words on his tombstone. “I will not be right back after this message” I happened upon a story recently about humorous tombstone messages and I found out that Merv kept his word. There have been some brave souls over the years when it came to tombstone epitaphs. Like this apparently long suffering husband who paid less than his respects to his departed bride. John Dryden (1631-1700): Here lies my wife: here let her lie!Now she’s at rest, and so am I. On Margaret Daniels’ grave at Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond, Virginia: She always said her feet were killing her but nobody believed her. On the grave of Ezekial Aikle in East Dalhousie Cemetery, Nova Scotia: Here liesEzekial AikleAge 102The GoodDie Young And he had so much to live for! From a cemetery in Ruidoso, New Mexico: Here liesJohnny YeastPardon meFor not rising. I started
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Warning: The following post may contain humor. This blog was produced in a program where irony and satire are processed. May contain sarcasm fragments. If you have negative reactions to sarcasm or satire please avoid this product. Thank you. If you read When Bad Christians Happen to Good People you know that I am not a fan of “Jesus Junk”. That is a term for the often tacky, sometimes offensive and generally puzzling ways that we try to merge Christianity and our culture. The products range from the Jesus bobble head dolls to Christian breath mints. I had never considered bad breath to be a spiritual battle but I am still learning in my journey. People now send me links to this stuff just to annoy me. I found out about a new Talking Jesus action figure. of Connecticut, USA, added a new hero to their ranks of action dolls – “the ONLY real hero,” in fact. Standing fully 12″ tall, the Jesus Christ
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