Shake Off Everything That Hinders You

Regular and long-suffering readers of the humble ramblings know that I have an oddly wired brain. My thoughts do not flow along orderly paths like most of you. So it will come as no surprise that while taking some pictures of pampered pooch Hannah yesterday I thought of a scriptural truth. Hannah was swimming and I decided to try and capture her spectacular water “shake-offs” with my digital camera. The results were not too bad.       This photo brought a verse from Hebrews to mind. Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles… Hannah has definitely learned how to throw off the water that hinders her when she climbs out of the pool. I loved the imagery of getting up and shaking off all of the things (even some good things) that hinder me from being an effective representative of Jesus. Recently I heard my
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What Bad Words Would Jesus Say?

I was amused to open my browser to find this headline at Yahoo News. Swearing at work boosts ‘team spirit, morale’ Wouldn’t it be interesting to be at that pep rally? “Yea *&^%$#@ Team! Bleep, Bleep, Bleep!” Whooeeeee!!! (Jump in air…extend arms) Bleep! The story outlined the blankety-blank study. Regular swearing at work can help boost team spirit among staff, allowing them to express better their feelings as well as develop social relationships, according to a study by researchers. Yehuda Baruch, a professor of management at the University of East Anglia, and graduate Stuart Jenkins studied the use of profanity in the workplace and assessed its implications for managers. They assessed that swearing would become more common as traditional taboos are broken down, but the key appeared to be knowing when such language was appropriate and when to turn to blind eye. The pair said swearing in front of senior staff or customers should be seriously discouraged or banned, but in other
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Step Slowly Away From The Forward Button…

To all of my Christian brothers and sisters… I love you all like, well, brothers and sisters. But it is time for us to have a family conference. Next time you are really concerned about my health, hard drive, or soul could I request that you just pray for me instead of forwarding dire e-mail warnings? I don’t want to appear ungrateful but I have to agree with this email I recently received. To all of you who have taken the time and trouble to “forward” emails over the past 12 months…Thank you for making me feel safe, secure, blessed and healthy. Extra thanks to whoever sent me the e-mail about cockroach eggs in the glue on envelopes – I now have to go get a wet towel every time I need to seal an envelope. Without you I would likely have gotten that flesh eating bacteria from bananas. Thanks to you, I have learned that God only answers my prayers if I forward an
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iPod Devotional Series: Smiling Faces Sometimes

Today I am going to offer a gently read post from the past. Today it is not because I am lazy or really busy. I am repeating this post because I have been receiving a lot of emails about Christians behaving badly. While that is always disappointing such behavior should never come as a big surprise. Today’s repeat was actually the first iPod Devotional that I published. I hit the old shuffle button over a year ago and it became immediately apparent that God does indeed have a sense of humor. The song that came up was Smiling Faces Sometimes from a group called Undisputed Truth. The song was originally recorded by the Temptations but the version released by Undisputed Truth in 1971 became the number 3 song that year. What delicious irony that the guy who wrote When Bad Christians Happen to Good People gets a song about hypocrites for the debut of this little experiment. Here are the opening lyrics from that song… Smiling
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iPod Devotional Series: As Easy As Our Blessings

I start with an apology to Robert who thinks I use too many country songs for the iPod Devotional Series. I will point out defensively that I have recently featured rock (The Animals and Beatles, inspirational (Casting Crowns) and opera (???). So perhaps I have earned another foray into country. The song is by an artist I have featured in an earlier post. Tracy Lawrence has a simple yet thought provoking song called “As Easy As Our Blessings.” Here is the opening stanza: Lately I’ve been having more nights that I can’t sleepStorms of life keep blowing in sometimes it gets so heavyIt drives me to my knees and it’s coming down againThen a voice inside reminds me of the roof over my headAnd my wife and kids are tucked away warmly in their beds I have written often about Satan’s strategy to rob us of our joy. When we spend our time regretting the past  or living in fear of the
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Joni is Walkin’ and Rollin’…

I have had some e-mails asking how Joni is doing. Thanks for caring and especially thanks for praying! She is doing really well. Joni looks fantastic and she is feeling better everyday. She is getting comfortable with New Hair – Version 2.0. We just got back from a little family trip to Florida this past weekend and this shot is from our balcony. There are still a couple of areas for prayer. The chemotherapy did do some damage to Joni’s heart function but we hope that will recover in the next few months. To that end Joni has embarked on a walking program and is walking in the 3 Day Breast Cancer Walk in Dallas/Ft.Worth at the end of October. Joni, her sister Gayla and a couple thousand new friends will be walking 20 miles per day for three days to raise money for breast cancer research. You can check out Joni’s 3 Day Walk Webpage by clicking here. Yeah, I know. She is
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Is “Christian Intellect” an Oxymoron?

Warning: The following post may (or, sadly, may not) contain humor. This blog was produced in a program where irony and satire are processed. May contain sarcasm fragments. If you are allergic to humor or attempts at humor please avoid this product. Richard Dawkins is an atheist who loves to denigrate Christian intellect. In fact, for Dawkins the very phrase “Christian intellect” would be oxymoronic. When asked what the main difference between believers and atheists was, Dawkins had a quick answer: “Well, we’re bright.” I took that as I hope Dawkins intended it. I laughed. Because he surely does not believe that every single Christian in the world is dim-witted. Then again, perhaps he does. If Richard Dawkins genuinely believes that Christians are that intellectually challenged perhaps he should start a business geared toward people of faith. When we struggle with the difficult tasks of life like getting dressed or balancing a checkbook we could simply go to (not an actual site for any believers
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