For the next several days I will be working on a new book project. During that time I will be posting some excerpts from the previous books. We begin with a chapter from “Bring’em Back Alive – A Healing Plan for Those Wounded by the Church”. This chapter is called “Your Bleating Heart Will Tell On You” and it deals with the uncomfortable truth that sometimes we choose to remain in victimhood. Blessings, Dave English writer Charles Kingsley wrote, “If you wish to be miserable, you must think about yourself, about what you want, what you like, and what respect people ought to pay you. Then to you nothing will be pure. You will spoil everything you touch; you will make sin and misery out of everything God sends you.” That is painful to apply to my personal life. I sometimes try to imagine how I would respond if I were a disinterested third party listening to my own
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For the next several days I will be working on a new book project. During that time I will be posting some excerpts from the previous books. We begin with a chapter from “Bring’em Back Alive – A Healing Plan for Those Wounded by the Church. This chapter is called “Your Bleating Heart Will Tell On You” and it deals with the uncomfortable truth that sometimes we choose to remain in victimhood. Blessings, Dave (Yesterday I mentioned a letter from a reader who was not a big fan of mine and my fellow Christians. Here is that letter) I cannot grant the courtesy of credit since the reviewer identified themselves only as a “reader from Wayland, Ma”. I will reproduce the comments along with a sampling of some typical reactions I have to criticism when I shift into victim mode. “Burchett (as is the case with virtually all his co-religionists) (What the heck is a co-religionist?) misses the point: it
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For the next several days I will be working on a new book project. During that time I will be posting some excerpts from the previous books. We begin with a chapter from“Bring’em Back Alive” – A Healing Plan for Those Wounded by the Church. This chapter is called “Your Bleating Heart Will Tell On You” and it deals with the uncomfortable truth that sometimes we choose to remain in victimhood. Blessings, Dave (Click here to read first installment) All of us can acknowledge intellectually that the offending shepherds and sheep will be held accountable for their actions before a Holy and righteous judge. But that is a difficult concept to embrace when you are hurting. And there is that other factor that we cannot forget. C.S. Lewis wrote that we tend to treat Satan one of two ways…we either take him too seriously or we ignore his influence altogether. In this case I am going to suggest that we
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For the next several days I will be working on a new book project. During that time I will be posting some excerpts from the previous books. We begin with a chapter from “Bring’em Back Alive” – A Healing Plan for Those Wounded by the Church. This chapter is called “Your Bleating Heart Will Tell On You” and it deals with the uncomfortable truth that sometimes we choose to remain in victimhood. Blessings, Dave “As scarce as truth is, the supply is always greater than the demand.” Josh Billings In this chapter I am going to take a plunge into truth that I pray will be woven lovingly into a tapestry of humility and grace. I will confess that writing this chapter filled me with more fear and trembling than any topic I have yet tackled (except politics). I pray that my tone will reflect the spirit of the Hippocratic Oath and that I will “Do No Harm.” If I
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Remember the Gilda Radner character, Rosann Rosannadanna, from the early SNL days? She would always shake her head and proclaim, “It’s always somethin’.” That is how I feel today as I am fielding e-mails from readers who are getting a weird message instead of the daily dose of Bad Christian ramblings. We recently did a little facelift (website only) and apparently something got changed in the settings. Super Webhero Robin believes he has fixed the issue and you should have a fresh-baked blog in your mailbox tomorrow. Sorry for the hassle. Thanks for caring enough to let me know. Blessings, Dave
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Newcomers to this site may not know that my primary source of income is television sports directing. Soon I will head into another season of Major League Baseball with my beloved Texas Rangers. Reading the positive reports from spring training has me excited about this season. I picked up the paper today and found a Peanuts cartoon that hit the nail on the head on a couple of levels. Peanuts creator Charles Schultz loved the Lord and loved baseball. That should qualify him for sainthood in my scorebook. This particular strip has Charley Brown standing on the mound ready for the first game of spring. Charley Brown loves baseball more than any character on the planet except my friend John Frost. Charley raises his arms in triumphant joy and exclaims, “I love the start of baseball season.” In the next panel he has a nostalgic smile and notes, “There’s a certain indescribable feeling in the air.” From rightfield Lucy decides
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