(From theFish.com) Occasionally a song pops up in the iPod shuffle rotation that reminds me of my failed career as a disc jockey in the ‘70’s. The song is called “United We Stand” and it was recorded by a British group called the Brotherhood of Man. The message was simple. For united we stand Divided we fall And if our backs should ever be against the wall We’ll be together, together, you and I The songwriter was talking about a love relationship but the sentiment to stand united should permeate family relationships, team relationships and especially church relationships. But we know in the latter case that is too often not true. I have written a lot about how people in the church do considerable damage with actions and words that do not reflect Jesus. I have been frustrated by Christians who receive grace willingly and deny it to others. I see division in the body of Christ where we should
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(From theFish.com) A song by Brandon Heath is the inspiration for this iPod Devotional. The song is titled “Give Me Your Eyes” and the lyrics are thought provoking. Heath talks about seeing so many people in his daily journey and wondering why he doesn’t care. He writes this chorus of longing. Give me your eyes for just one second Give me your eyes so I can see Everything that I keep missing Give me your love for humanity Give me your arms for the broken hearted The ones that are far beyond my reach Give me you heart for the ones forgotten Give me your eyes so I can see Brandon Heath’s songs are full of gritty honesty. His admission is real and relevant. It is a topic all followers of Jesus must address. God did not create me to live in a “believers only” cocoon of safety. Living that kind of Christian life is so easy in America. There
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(From theFish.com) A classic rock anthem from my youth was part of the iPod rotation today. “My Generation” was our defiant statement that we wanted nothing to do with the older folks who we believed to be clueless. The song reminded me of an interesting piece in the Wall Street Journal detailing how the younger generation places less value on the advice of their elders. That cultural trend has carried over into business, politics and the church. Serves us baby boomers right since we were the generation of don’t trust anyone over thirty. We rocked with The Who and sang these lyrics about how stupid my parent’s generation had been. Things they do look awful cold (Talkin’ ’bout my generation) I hope I die before I get old (Talkin’ ’bout my generation) Sadly, like every generation since the Garden we did, in fact, get old. Writer Jeffrey Zaslow believes the advice gap between current generations is even wider today. Older people have always offered
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Some of the theologians I encountered did not seem like anyone I would actually want to be around on purpose. I made the crack that some theologians were to joy in Christ what nutritionists were to enjoying cheesecake. They both took something full of delight and made you feel mostly bad about it. Yet something is changing in my life. I am really seeing the need for a solid theological basis for what I believe. All of this came to mind when Sam Cooke’s classic Wonderful World popped up on the iPod. You know the one where Sam builds a strong case for academic slacking actually being a strength. Don’t know much about history Don’t know much biology Don’t know much about a science book Don’t know much about the french I took But I do know that I love you And I know that if you love me too What a wonderful world this would be I wrote an ode
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Those who are honest about this journey know that you are in trouble anytime you announce that you are determined to be more: (choose from the following partial list – patient, loving, obedient, forgiving, prayerful, serving). God smiles and arranges a test. I hate the spiritual pop quizzes as much as I did the academic ones. But they are just as revealing about how I am doing. A recent pop quiz consisted of some personal situations that frustrated me and other people conspiring (I thought) to divert my focus and steal my joy. How did I do? I failed the test miserably. I was grumpy. I was discouraged. My joy meter barely moved. I bombed the test. Later I regrouped and had a personal conference with the Teacher (He is really good about that). That is when I remembered again what grace means to me. Yes, I failed miserably. Yes, I was disappointed in myself. Yes, I was a little embarrassed that I have written and spoken so boldly and flopped so easily. But here is what
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(From this week’s iPod Devotional at theFish.com) When I fired up the iPod today the first song I heard made me chuckle. Not because of the content but because of the appropriateness of the song for this week. The artist is Jason Gray and his song is called “Remind Me Who I Am”. Last weekend I had the privilege of speaking to the wonderful community of believers at Waterbrook Bible Fellowship in Wylie, Texas. Jason Gray’s song IS my message from last Sunday except it is more succinct and has a much better beat. Jason Gray could have rolled in, done his song and I could have let the crowd go to IHOP. Here are some of the lyrics. When I lose my way When I forget my name Remind me who I am In the mirror all I see is who I don’t wanna be Remind me who I am That was main takeaway point of my Sunday message
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(From the weekly devotional at theFish.com) A new song to the iPod rotation set up today’s iPod Devotional and (full disclosure) a chance to give a sneak preview from a brand new chapter in the new release of When Bad Christians Happen to Good People. The song is by a group called Rush of Fools. First of all, their name sounds like a group of guys that a random “bad Christian” might fit in with comfortably. The song “Your Grace Found Me” perfectly reflects my journey over the past decade. I have to be honest and report that I wasn’t looking for grace. I was looking for an exit to get far, far away from most Christians. The chorus describes my story. I’m covered over, I’m so wrapped up, it’s all your love it’s all your love, Your grace found me, when I wasn’t breathing, grace found me That chorus sets up nicely this excerpt from the book that tells
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