Perhaps I should direct my writing time to t-shirt slogans. It would certainly be at least as profitable as my current efforts. Today I saw TWO different t-shirts about hearing voices. One shirt said “I hear voices and they don’t like you”. Another one said “Even if the voices in my head aren’t real they do have some good ideas”. I got a chuckle out of that one. But after further thought I think that the voices in my head rarely, if ever, have good ideas. I am talking about the voices that were programmed from childhood. Negative parents, teachers, coaches, siblings, friends (?), other Christians (?) and assorted others have laid down tracks to my negative thoughts life soundtrack mix. Favorite cuts like these are always cued and ready to be played. You will never change. You always do that. I can’t believe you did that again. What is wrong with you? I get letters and emails and stories nearly every day from heartbroken people in
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The Stones sang that “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” back in 1969. But for some reason we keep telling our children that they can and if not it is somebody else’s fault. One of my favorite editorial writers is Rod Dreher of the Dallas Morning News. I usually agree with his views and that is likely a concern for Rod. I occasionally disagree with his columns and sometimes strongly. But I like Dreher’s articles because they are always thoughtful and graceful. He can state a strong opinion without being a divisive flamethrower. Sadly, that is becoming a lost art. His most recent column was another good one. Dreher wrote about those ridiculously hopeful graduation speeches. Here is the opening paragraph. The bad news, high school graduates, is that you can’t have it all. You aren’t as free as you think you are. Sorry, but no matter what optimistic flapdoodle your commencement speaker tells you, that’s the truth. First of all, kudos for the use of
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Today Brett’s rescued buddy Trigger joined my usual canine companion Hannah for the daily walk. Actually with Trig the routine is a bit different. He drags me for the first mile and I drag him for the second mile. It is the balance of nature at work. As usual the iPod was cranked up when I took the dogs for a walk. I have over 1700 songs on my iPod. My taste in music is to be kind, eclectic. The less kind would call my blend of music weird. So it was interesting when a couple of songs came up randomly that hit me right where I am living today. The first was a song called “Gotta Serve Somebody” from Bob Dylan. Dylan lists a number of professions, interests and traits that define how we are labeled by our culture. But then he cuts to the chase and observes that those things are not who we are. We are defined by who or what
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My profession is television sports directing. I will be doing that until more of you people buy my books and read my blogs. I direct games for the Texas Rangers baseball team and the last two games have been a director’s dream. The Rangers had “walk-off” wins in both games. That means they score the winning run in the last at bat and the game is over. Both teams “walk-off” the field but with very different body languages. Yesterday a 9th inning home run by Ranger first baseman Chris Davis gave Texas an amazing win. The moment was so much fun to direct. The shots of the intense concentration by Davis. The Seattle pitcher trying to save the game. Ranger players hanging on the dugout rail praying for a miracle. And then it happens. The ball flies deep toward center. The Ranger player start to jump up and down as they try to will the ball out of the park. The ball clears
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I have rediscovered the music of Keith Green. I absolutely loved his songs when I was a young follower of Jesus. Green was killed in a small plane crash in 1982. Recently I downloaded some of his tunes to the iPod and this morning one of them randomly (?) popped up during the morning walk. Keith Green’s song of worship “Oh Lord You’re Beautiful was just what I needed to hear this morning. Oh Lord, You’re beautiful,Your face is all I seek.For when Your eyes are on this child,Your grace abounds to me. My heart aches for the angry, frustrated, tired and discouraged Christians who live the Christian version of Henry David Thoreau’s quote. “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.” I think that describes the spiritual experience of too many followers of Christ. We make it about right actions instead of realizing our righteousness is only because of Christ. We
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I have had the privilege of being the warm-up act for my friend John Lynch at some TrueFaced Worldview nights. It is always fun because neither John nor I have any clue what we might say. To paraphrase comedian Mike Birbiglia: “Our thoughts have no on-deck circle. They go straight to the plate and it is batter up!” Recently I got to join John close to home at an event in Ft.Worth. John does part of the “Two Roads, Two Rooms” message and I add my 2 cents along the way (adjusted for inflation). I am totally energized and blessed when I see people understand grace and what that means in their relationship with God. Can I make a plea to my tens of readers? If you have not heard the “Two Roads” message please go straight to their website and order a CD and/or DVD today. Next to the Gospel this has been the most powerful message that I have
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Because my ministry is to make other Christians feel superior I am excited to expand that outreach. Please check out the new weekly blog at World Magazine.
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