Billy Graham celebrated his 90th birthday on Friday, November 7th. Over these nine decades he has preached, by some estimates, to over 200 million people. Only God knows how many thousands of people trusted Jesus because of his preaching. Our family did not attend church on any sort of regular basis. But we watched Billy’s “crusades” on our black and white Sylvania television every time he was on. I was influenced by Graham’s passion and by his simple message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I believe Billy Graham’s messages were planted seeds that God would later harvest in my life. I still remember the familiar cadence and distinctive accent of Billy Graham as he pleaded with sinners to come forward to the strains of “Just As I Am”. “I’m going to ask hundreds of you to come forward. If you’re with a group, don’t worry. They’ll wait…” For some reason I loved that line. I know people personally who became followers
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I am sure that I have read this particular passage dozens of times over the years. Today God’s Word jumped off the pages and especially resonated after my “bad Christian” confession written before the results of the election were counted. Here is a snippet of that article written on election day. No matter who wins I am making a commitment today. I am going to pray for the leaders that are chosen. I may not agree with the choice. But I learned a valuable lesson earlier in my journey with Jesus. When President Bill Clinton was elected in 1992 I was extremely unhappy. I did not pray for Bill Clinton during most of his Presidency. I did not respect him as the authority my sovereign God allowed to be in power. I said ugly things about him. In short, I sinned in my spirit and with my speech. During that time I put my trust in politics and not in God. I will not make that mistake again. I have
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This has been a long and contentious process. I have been saddened by the tone of the discourse but not surprised. Today the American public will speak. I try to avoid partisan politics in this space because it polarizes and diverts readers away from the gospel of Jesus Christ. No matter who wins I am making a commitment today. I am going to pray for the leaders that are chosen. I may not agree with the choice. But I learned a valuable lesson earlier in my journey with Jesus. When President Bill Clinton was elected in 1992 I was extremely unhappy. I did not pray for Bill Clinton during most of his Presidency. I did not respect him as the authority my sovereign God allowed to be in power. I said ugly things about him. In short, I sinned in my spirit and with my speech. During that time I put my trust in politics and not in God. I will not make that mistake
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On November 1st of 2006 my friend John Weber experienced homecoming in heaven. I want to make sure his special ministry is remembered this year. This is the article I wrote last year. Yesterday I wrote an article about homecoming at Baylor University. I wrote about an eternal homecoming someday with family and friends. Just hours after I posted that piece one of our long time and dear friends died after finishing a workout at the YMCA. Now I can add the name of my friend John Weber to those I look forward to seeing at my heavenly homecoming. The media will report that John Weber was the chaplain for the Dallas Cowboys. That is what impressed a lot of people who knew John. That is not what impressed me. What impressed me about John Weber was how consistently he represented Jesus over the years. I have known John since we were young and starving staff members of Athletes in Action back in the late
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I have established a couple of traditions in the short history of the humble ramblings. One of them is revisiting this post (with a couple of updates) every homecoming weekend at Baylor University. It is that time again. It is Homecoming this weekend at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. Thousands of alumni will make their way to Central Texas for the event. It seems odd to me that I am looking forward so much to this homecoming. The celebration is at a college that I did not attend. I’m not even Baptist, dadgummit (that is Baptist cursing). But my heart has become a part of the Baylor tradition. Why? I am the very proud father of two Baylor grads and the youngest is a senior-light at the school. He will graduate this December. I have invested time and more treasure than I care to think about in Baylor University. It is a very special place for me. Each son has made relationships that have become my relationships. One
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I have been posting articles during Breast Cancer Awareness Month about Joni’s battle with Her-2 Positive Breast Cancer. This is the last one of the series. Joni is now a 2 year survivor and she is doing great. I hope these articles have encouraged you if you have been down this difficult path or are facing it now. Blessings, Dave I am not a crier. So it was a bit out of character when the tears started flowing yesterday as I drove through the canyon in downtown Dallas. I blame Lindsay for this event. Lindsay is my bride’s cousin who moved to Texas recently. She already loved country music so that saved us some time to indoctrinate her. We love having her in Big D but she is going to have to stop introducing me to songs that make driving dangerous. Lindsay told us about a song that we just had to hear. So I downloaded it to the trusty iPod and fired
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For the past several days I have been posting articles from Joni’s battle with breast cancer. I hope sharing her story as a two year survivor will be an encouragement to those facing or going through the storm. Blessings, Dave One Of Our Most Important Cancer Lessons Last week was a great week. Joni and I had our next to last date at the Slow Drip Spa and on Friday she had her chemo port removed. The finish line is now clearly in sight. We have learned so much over the past 16 months. An earlier story called the Cancer Chronicles linked some of the blogs that were written during this difficult journey. One of the more subtle but most important lessons is the subject of today’s humble ramblings. A country song reminded me again about a critical lesson that we learned just a few months down the long and winding road of treatment. Tracy Lawrence has a hit recording about
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