Jerry Seinfeld has a bit about trying to select an appropriate greeting card. They have the greeting cards with the couples on the front. They photograph them. These hazy focus people. They’re always having picnics. There’s always a tree, a pond… who are these people? I don’t know them. I don’t want them on my card either. What am I going to write inside there anyway? “Here’s another couple having a better relationship than us.” Who are these people? That question has been going through my mind as I read the angry comments about the airplane incident with the Osteens. I have been deeply disappointed by the comments posted on my site. I know that most of them come from angry spiritual hall monitors that happened to stumble on this site. Clearly many of them think that Christians should never question another person in the faith no matter what they do. Clearly many of them think any mention of a uncomfortable situation, no matter how civil in tone,
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(This is an update of an earlier post) Yes…the spelling in the title is correct. I am going to reluctantly revisit the airplane incident with Joel and Victoria Osteen that happened in December, 2005. One of the most visited posts I have ever written was in regards to the tepid apology that Mrs.Osteen issued after the incident. I finally removed the article after it became merely a feedback repository for partisan shots. The comments became a back and forth series between those who support the Osteen’s and their ministry versus those who do not. It became a spectacular exercise in missing the point. The ministry of Joel and Victoria Osteen was never the focus of my article. I became so frustrated and dismayed with the discourse that I removed the post. This article is an attempt to stay on point. My argument was never about the Osteen’s ministry, mega-churches, celebrity Christians or any of the issues raised by many of those who posted feedback. My focus was
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I got a very kind and challenging response to the recent article about Living the Abundant Marriage. This is the note that arrived on my guestbook page. I loved your article “Living the Abundant Marriage”. -and I cried because as a couple we could relate to this so much. My husband read it and he liked it but his response was: How? Communication in this area seems blocked for us though we have tried hard to communicate, it appears. What would the answer be… First of all I have to tell you I related to the husband’s monosyllabic response. How? That’s a typical guy response. Let’s cut to the chase here blog boy. Nice words but how does that work? My second response was one of bemused amazement. Me giving marital advice feels a little bit like a mule explaining to a thoroughbred how to win the Kentucky Derby. So I have to be honest and tell you I have
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Youngest son Brett suggested that I read The Last Lecture. The book came from the notoriety gained when Professor Randy Pausch literally delivered his last lecture at Carnegie Mellon because he knew he was soon going to die. The lecture became one of the most viewed items on the internet. I finished the book on July 25th and then found this item in the next day’s news. Randy Pausch, a prominent computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon University who became an instant sensation far beyond the classroom last year when he delivered his inspiring “Last Lecture,” knowing he had only months to live, died July 25 at his home in Chesapeake, Va. He was 47. That was a little weird. The book and the lecture on YouTube is inspirational and thought provoking. Pausch’s response to a terrible disease was remarkable. Here is just one little tidbit from the book and lecture. “We can’t change the cards we’re dealt, just how we play the hand. If
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July 31st is Mutt’s Day. I am a big fan of the phony baloney holiday. For example, your humble rambler has done the work of researching a special holiday for every day of the first week of August. August 1st – Your choice. Homemade Pie Day or Respect for Parent’s Day. August 2nd – National Ice Cream Sandwich Day August 3rd – I know I should choose International Forgiveness Day but it is far easier to go with National Waffle Day. August 4th – National Mustard Day August 5th – I rejected Work Like a Dog Day because I am currently looking at my dog Hannah laying on her back with every leg going in a different direction. If the holiday was live like my dog lives I would celebrate that instead. So I offer National Failures Day as a way to help you feel better about yourself. August 6th – Big day. You can choose Friendship Day. If you want to put a real damper on Friendship Day you
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If you missed the last edition of the humble ramblings allow me to bring you up to date. One of Job’s buddies gave us a seminar on how not to treat a friend going through a difficult season. Today we have another lesson. Our first guest is Zophar from Naamath. And, waiting backstage to confront his friends is the star of the book, Job himself. Let’s welcome Zophar from Naamath: Job, do you think you can carry on like this and we’ll say nothing? (Pretty sure Job was thinking that ain’t likely to happen). That we’ll let you rail and mock and not step in? You claim, “My doctrine is sound and my conduct impeccable.’ How I wish God would give you a piece of his mind, tell you what’s what! I wish he’d show you how wisdom looks from the inside, for true wisdom is mostly “inside.’ But you can be sure of this, you haven’t gotten half of what you deserve. (Job 11:3-6, MsgB) Application: Can you imagine
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For the most part I have learned to roll with the responses to my blogs and books. But I have to admit that some responses bug me. Recently I wrote an article on the Five Stages of Church Woundedness. The post was in response to correspondences with a pastor friend but the gist of the article was intensely personal. I dialed up Crosswalk and read this response from a reader. I’m a bit skeptical about the premise for this article. The pastor was so hurt? What happened? Perhaps this pastor overreacted emotionally. Was the criticism warranted? All criticism isn’t just mean. . .maybe his behavior had something to do with his “being hurt”. Why does he sound as though he lacks maturity? Grace is his answer. . .what’s the alternative to preaching grace anyway? Legalists haven’t hurt this pastor too? What happened? That would be none of your business. Maybe you would be convinced if I told you the whole story
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