I did not respond right away to the allegations against Pastor Ted Haggard. I waited to see if the charges were proved to be partly or wholly true. And then I waited to see how Ted Haggard responded. Regular readers of these ramblings know that I believe strongly in everyone’s personal responsibility and accountability when we publically proclaim the name of Jesus Christ. It is a responsibility that I do not take lightly. And I do not take lightly any rebukes that I offer to others who have fallen short in their journey. I believe that every follower of Jesus should not only love the Lord with all of their hearts but should also seek to follow the credo of primum non nocere, “first, do no harm”. My heart is broken when a very public Christian falls. My heart is broken because it does do harm. I hear the mocking comments and sneers. I cringe at the glee that some
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Today I sat through an annual corporate seminar for a broadcast network. The seminar concluded with a long presentation on diversity, sexual harrassment, and creating a non-hostile workplace atmosphere. I understand and support the need for such a program. But I have to admit that somewhere around the forty-five minute mark I started thinking that the Apostle Paul could have accomplished this seminar in about…oh…2 minutes. Two passages pretty much would have covered everything that had been laid out in painstaking and lengthy detail. Here is my fantasy Human Resources seminar with Paul. “Hi, my name is Paul from Tarsus. I was asked to stand in for the HR director. First of all, here is a little policy I wrote for the Ephesians. But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people. Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather
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There are some days that I really wonder if it is worth the time invested in these humble ramblings. And then you get what my wife calls “postcards” from God. Today was one of those days that I woke up and wondered if it was worth it. I had decided to take today off from blogging. Maybe several days. Then I received a postcard from God. He sent it through a young lady named Hannah. She sent me an email in response to my post yesterday about My Christmas Gift List. Mr. Burchett, Mommy read your blog to us this morning. We have been sponsoring a 10 year old boy in Mozambique since August through World Vision. We are learning more and more every day about the ministry of World Vision. Mommy is reading to us stories out of the World Vision magazine. This morning as mommy was reading to us about the things we could be praying for, I got even
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When I was a kid the holidays seemed to politely wait their turn in line. Thanksgiving would take the baton from Halloween and then pass it along to Christmas. Now the Holidays clamor for attention like a spoiled child at the mall. I have been receiving Christmas catalogs for weeks and the stores are already filled with Christmas displays. By the way, you will note that I am a proud user of the term Christmas for the December 25th event that is known on the federal calendar as Christmas Day. That was a bonus mini-rant. No charge. So as I bought Halloween candy today I thought about what I want for Christmas this year. I started with a list of things I really, really want. Everything at the Bose store A high definition television The latest version of my Trio phone (I don’t have the Windows version for heaven’s sake!) Several pounds of books Dozens of DVD’s Then I listed everything I really, really
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Halloween is one of my least favorite times of the year. Don’t worry. I am not going to launch into a tirade about how Christians need to protest this pagan holiday. I dislike Halloween because it is one of the times each year when I want to take my evangelical name tag off and hide it for a few days. One of the reasons I want to go incognito is the proliferation of Christian Halloween Hell Houses or Judgment Houses. Yes, in another sad attempt to mirror the popular culture we have taken the bad idea of the haunted house and made it into the infinitely worse idea of the Hell House. These actual descriptions are taken from a popular version of this odd approach to evangelism. What is the Hell House concept? It is series of vignettes that show the results of sin in wretched excess. The idea is literally to frighten you so much that you will make a decision to embrace Christianity. I call it
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I may be a “Bad Christian” but I am loyal to my tens of readers. I have been hearing your overwhelming cry for the return of the iPod Devotional series. Okay, it was really just faithful reader Kathy who asked for it’s return with this question. P.S. Will the iPod devotions return anytime soon? Love those!! For new inductees to this site a brief update might be in order. The iPod Devotional Series is a periodic feature that involves, not surprisingly, my trusty iPod and the shuffle feature. I fire up the device, go to the shuffle button, hit play, and I write about whatever song is randomly selected from the 1,000 plus songs I have downloaded (all legally). My taste is quite eclectic so this is a bit risky. But we have already had a devotion based on Toby Keith’s I Love This Bar so how much further south can we go? So Kathy…this one is for you. Today’s song is
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One of my favorite comedians is Steven Wright. He is the thinking man’s stand-up comedian. Here is one of his classics. “I’m addicted to placebos. I’d give them up…but it wouldn’t make any difference.” Think about it. Dictionary.com defines a placebo drug as a substance having no pharmacological effect but given merely to satisfy a patient who supposes it to be a medicine. Some would suggest that all religion is a placebo. Friedrich Nietzsche said that “Faith means not wanting to know what is true.” I realize there are many people of faith who fit into that category. I can speak only for the Christian faith and myself. I have spent many years seeking what is true. I have tried to the best of my ability to be honest. I have read the arguments of thinkers on all sides. I have studied the life of Jesus. I have researched other religious figures. Why would I not want to know what is true? Why should I waste my time, money, and questionable talent on a faith that is false? The men
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