“Confessions of a Bad Christian” – Please think twice before you hit forward…

To all of my Christian brothers and sisters…I love you all like, well, brothers and sisters. But it is time for us to have a family conference. Next time you are really concerned about my health, hard drive, or soul could I request that you just pray for me instead of forwarding dire e-mail warnings? I don’t want to appear ungrateful but I have to agree with this note I received recently from my friends C&C. To all of you who have taken the time and trouble to send me “forwards” over the past 12 months…*Thank you for making me feel safe, secure, blessed and healthy. Extra thanks to whoever sent me the e-mail about cockroach eggs in the glue on envelopes – I now have to go get a wet towel every time I need to seal an envelope. * Without you I would likely have gotten that flesh eating bacteria from bananas.* Thanks to you, I have learned that God only answers
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“Confessions of a Bad Christian” – Has Jimmy Carter lost his focus?

When I was an idealistic young man Jimmy Carter was one of my heroes. I was a mere pup of twenty-two when I first became aware of the peanut farmer from Plains, Georgia. He was so different, so refreshing, and seemingly so real. I felt like he was “one of us” and his resume was intriguing. He was an Annapolis grad and submarine skipper, a self-made man,  and he was not a Washington insider. But as a young believer I was most enthralled by his unabashedly candid comments about his faith in Jesus. I learned a hard lesson about faith and politics. Jimmy Carter’s presidency would kindly be described as mediocre. But the post-White House years restored my respect for Mr.Carter. His tireless work for Habitat for Humanity set a standard for how ex-Presidents could use the platform of their recognition to make a difference. But somewhere along the way Jimmy Carter lost his focus. I believe that we (Christians in America) fight a continuing
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“Confessions of a Bad Christian” – I am no longer relevant. Or am I?

Ray Pritchard is a very dear friend. God used Ray and Marlene in our lives when we were desperate to be restored because of wounds inflicted by the church. His book An Anchor for the Soul is my “go to” resource when I want to leave something with a person seeking a relationship with Jesus. So it was with some amusement (because I know him) and a lot of appreciation that I read these words on Ray’s weblog (Crosswalk.com). Ray was writing about my recent addition to the weblog fold at Crosswalk. “Kudos to Dave Burchett for a stellar first week as the newest Crosswalk blogger. Dave is an accomplished author, an award winning sports TV director, and an extremely trenchant commentator on the issues of the day. Dave is an old friend, and I’ve always wanted to use the word “trenchant,” and now I’ve done it. Check him out. He’s says things we need to hear.” Trenchant? Meaning number one according to
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“Confessions of a Bad Christian” – Enroll now in the Canine School of Evangelism

I was taught to “dog” people about their faith. But maybe a ministry with mutts would be more effective to reach others with the message of the gospel. So I am thinking about starting a new seminary with man’s best friends as the instructors and role models for the students. My inspiration for this “hounds-on” approach to ministry training came from an article in American Way Magazine. The story was about dog training programs that have been implemented into prisons across America. The concept is simple yet brilliant. These programs take dogs from overcrowded shelters and place them with prison inmates for training. The animals live with the inmates 24/7 and are trained by them to become adoptable pets or even companion animals. One of the difficulties in training guide and companion dogs is finding dedicated trainers who have enough time to interact with the animals. The prisoner trainers have nothin’ but time. The American Correctional Institute says that idleness is a major cause of violence among inmates.
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“Confessions of a Bad Christian” – End of the Spear controversy finally reaches NY Times

The New York Times is called by some “the newspaper of record” in the United States. I guess that is fine if you don’t mind waiting a week or two for the paper to catch up with the culture.  This is a regular pattern where the newspaper is days or weeks late on stories that internet sites and blogs have discussed and already moved past. Maybe I can sell internet service to the paper to help them stay current. The Times was again a late arriver to the “controversy” surrounding the movie End of the Spear. The headline in yesterday’s edition misleadingly read, “Christians boycott film with gay actor.” The implication, whether intended or not, was that this was a widespread and organized boycott of the film based on the single issue of a gay actor (Chad Allen) playing the lead role. In paragraph 10 of the story the writer finally writes that “some” evangelicals have boycotted the film. I guess  that qualifier wouldn’t have fit in the headline.
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“Confessions of a Bad Christian” – Research Shows that “Grumpy” Virus Can Be Controlled

Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down… Who knew that salty comedian George Carlin was on the cutting edge of scientific research when he made that observation about ways to stay young. A recent story by Knight Ridder writer Eric Adler in the Kansas City Star reports that a growing body of psychological research is bearing out the power one individual’s mood can have on others. (http://www.kansascity.com/mld/kansascity/living/13476128.htm) That’s right, my friends. Grumpy people are contagious! “It is one of the most robust phenomena I have ever seen,” said University of New Hampshire researcher Richard Saavedra. “And it’s all unconscious.” Adler reported that in May, Purdue University psychologists presented their findings at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association. Janice Kelly and Jennifer Spoor took 43 pairs of undergraduates and asked them to complete a task. One was designated the leader, the other the subordinate. The leaders were shown movie clips, this time of the “choice” scene in “Sophie’s
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“Confessions of a Bad Christian” – A Guaranteed Winning Exit Strategy

When I used to visit my family in Kentucky I remember the saying they used when someone thought a little differently. “That boy ain’t right!”, they would note with a smile and shake of the head. That is how I feel today after my “ain’t right” brain somehow linked two widely disparate stories. Story number one was found in The Week Magazine and told about a growing number of multimillionaires who are leaving their money to themselves in the hope they will someday be brought back to life. The Wall Street Journal had originally reported that these very future investors are having themselves cryogenically frozen with the hope that medical advances will allow them to be revived. I don’t know about you but I am really not interested in coming back to life on this planet. Woody Allen’s classic line comes to mind when he said, “I refuse to believe in reincarnation because I don’t want to have to sit through Ice Capades again.” According to the
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