Tyndale Publishing is offering some fun and FREE giveaways to anyone who pre-orders Waking Up Slowly before March 1st. Exclusive gifts include: · Extended 3-chapter sampler that you can start reading NOW! · 5-Day Waking Up Slowly devotional to kick-start your journey to finding gratitude in everyday experiences. · Phone “wallpapers” as a fun reminder that our biggest blessings can sometimes come in small packages. · Discussion Questions to get you thinking and/or to share at your next book group. Just email your receipt to WakingUpSlowlyBook@gmail.com to get your FREE goodies! If you have already pre-ordered your copy you get free goodies too. Just send in the screenshot or picture of your order receipt and they will be headed your way!
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It is now less than a month to the release of my new book Waking Up Slowly. Today I would love for you to visit the brand new website for the book. While you are nosing around you can download the Introduction and First Chapter for free! You can read some endorsements and learn about my partnership with Patriot Paws. I would love your feedback on the new site. I am looking forward to sharing the new book with you in 29 days. But who’s counting? Click here to visit WakingUpSlowly.com now!
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(As a part of my new “green” blog initiative I am recycling these Groundhog day musings) They woke up Punxsutawney Phil Tuesday morning long enough for the prognosticating rodent to let us know whether six more weeks of winter must be endured. According to Phil you should plan on bundling up for next month and a half. Phil looks about as happy as I do when when I am disturbed in the morning. Twenty-four years ago a funny and underappreciated movie came on the scene. Groundhog Day told the story of a self-absorbed news reporter (redundancy alert?) that finds himself stuck in an endless repeat of the same day. Bill Murray is perfect in the role of reporter Phil Connors. Since I live in the odd world of broadcast television I can relate to the cynical personality of Murray’s character. Reporter Phil is less than thrilled that he has been assigned to cover Punxsutawney Phil’s annual peek outside to predict winter’s duration.
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Identity theft is a big problem. It is one of the fastest growing crimes in the United States and recent stats suggest that 13 million cases occurred in the past year. The rise of identity theft has produced a number of companies that protect you from criminals that might steal your good name and credit rating. A few years ago one of my card numbers was compromised and some low life was merrily buying electronic gear on my tab in Malaysia. Fortunately that was fairly easily resolved since I could prove that I was safely hunkered down in scenic Garland, Texas when the purchases were made. But it occurred to me that another identity theft occurs in the lives of Christians all the time and there is very little uproar about it. I pondered if I could start a company to protect followers of Jesus from this serious and sometimes tragic crime. The crime is Christian identity theft. Any follower of Jesus has the potential to
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I think a lot about the church. When you write a book called “When Bad Christians Happen to Good People” you tend to hear from angry and wounded churchgoers. I have received hundreds of emails and blog posts from hurting believers. If a modest selling author and blogger like me gets that many responses then you can extrapolate that this is a big problem for the American church. I began the book mentioned above with this paragraph. “I am a hypocrite. I can be arrogant and selfish. I have been known to stretch, conceal, or slightly message the truth. I am sometimes inconsiderate and insecure. I struggle with lust and impure thoughts. My ego often rages out of control, and I battle foolish pride. I can be lazy and foolhardy with my time. I get angry, petty, and ill-tempered. I am sarcastic and cynical. I am a Christian.” I can make the claim in the final sentence only because of
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I am digitally ducking as I post this week’s musing. This is the kind of the title that brings the spiritual hall monitors out of the internet woodwork. But it is true. God used the insightful lyrics of Harry Chapin to get my attention about my selfishness. Chapin was a genius in poetically describing how we try to find happiness in the wrong places and with self-centered priorities. The first song to meddle in my life was W*O*L*D. I was an aspiring radio “personality” at a small station in Southern Ohio dreaming of being a big city star someday. The lyrics describe a conversation with the wife he left behind to pursue his dreams. He recounts how he moved from market to market trying to find happiness. Now he realizes what he has sacrificed and hopes to reconcile with his family. Chapin writes a powerful truth about running from the problems in our life. Sometimes I get this crazy dream
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Today I accomplished one of my least favorite tasks of the year. Taking down the Christmas decorations always makes me a bit melancholy. One of our Christmas staples is a yard display that spells out “Joy”. The sign is simple yet the nativity scene incorporated into the letters clearly communicates our feelings about what this holiday represents. As I took down the display I thought about the reason I love this decoration so much. Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them. They were terrified, but the angel reassured them. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I bring you good news that will bring great JOY to all people. The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David! (Luke 2, NLT) That is where I place my joy as I head into a unstable New Year. I find my joy in the Messiah, the Lord – who was born in
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